Many thanks to all residents who filled in the Community Plan Survey. This closed on 30 September. In all there were just over 450 respondents, but this number may be whittled down a little for duplicates and errors. The surveys
Annual Parish Meeting
The Local Government Act 1972 states that ‘for every parish there shall be a Parish Meeting for the purpose of discussing parish affairs and exercising any functions conferred on such meetings by any enactment…’. more …
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Farming
Tuesday 23 February, online from 6pm Join us for an evening of talks about mental health, wellbeing and support for the farming community.
Latest news from the heritage group
Just an update to let you all know what we are doing in relation to the Museum, events and walks. We are very sorry that we have not been able to fulfil our usual programme of summer activities but we
Milborne Port Climate and Nature Action
Climate change is an emergency which demands an emergency response – from each of us The climate is changing at an unprecedented rate because of the impact of human activity on Earth – 170 times faster than it has changed
WI hold socially distanced committee meeting
We had our first committee meeting since Lockdown early in July. It was in the open air and we were all socially distanced, of course. It was good to see people again, the downside was we had to shout
Friends of Milborne Port Library (FOMPL)
Our lovely librarians at Milborne Port Library have asked us to share the following with you: I am happy to send your Draw with Rob pack from HarperCollins! If you want to share the pack with anyone else could you