Community Survey 2024

Milborne Port Community Plan Steering Group has to put together a community survey to give local people the opportunity to say what they feel is important to them for the future of Milborne Port. For this survey to be relevant we are asking for your contribution on choosing topics. Below is the list of topics for our survey. Choose YES to the topics you would like to see, and you can add your own topic at the bottom. The steering group will then select the most popular for the survey.


229 responses, so well done everybody! Full results will be published here after the next committee meeting.

Community Needs

In October 2023, council members updated a list of what are considered to be priority needs and projects for the village in the new few months and years. To see a copy of the current document (it will evolve over time), please click here.

Parish Plan 2010

A copy of the 2010 Parish Plan