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The following organisations are somewhat historical and we have confirmation that any/all still exist. If you have any updates or wish to be added then please get in touch with Rob Lockey on rob.lockey@milborneportpc@org.uk

Keep FitBrenda Newcombe01935 389375
Scrabble ClubChris Porter01963 250821
Wriggles & GigglesClaire Baileyclaire.bailey@btinternet.com07794 081417
Short Mat BowlsBrian Tindalenyaschere@hotmail.com01963 251346
U3A Music Appreciation 2Eric Forrest01963 251068
AfrozumbaFatou Taylor01963 371336
BrowniesJanice Creighton01963 251285
Badminton Weds. Village hallKate Davis01963 250090
Martial ArtsKathryn Purnell01935 424858
Tai ChiLucy MacArthur07871 017680
Springfield ToddlersLiz Graham01963 251625
2nd Milborne Port ScoutsSimon Lenton07873 164890
Luncheon ClubMaureen Lock01963 250433
Luncheon ClubJan Smith01963 251451
Wl MeetingChristine Porterchjoe@tiscali.co.uk01963 250821
Badminton Tues. Village hallRichard Jones01963 250731
Zumba Keep FitSimmone Shearn07775 851734
PilatesSue Durant01963 34634
Knitting GroupSue Morse01963 250093
Singing GroupSue Saunders01963 251231
Badminton Weds. eveningTony Copper01963 250415
Milborne Port MethodistsGary Hoaregary.hoare@btinternet.com01935 815666
Milborne Port OperaSarah Bignellsarah.bignell@btinternet.com01963 370447
BellringersSusan Walesswales@victerr.fsnet.co.uk01963 250660
ReBorne Community ChurchYvonne Brightoffice@rebornechurch.org07975755031
Beeches PlaygroupMaggie Herdsman01963 250580
CricketRobert/Sarah Tizzard01963 250671
FootballSteve Davis01963 250266
NetballKaren Pearce01963 251481
RugbyStan Vaughan07541223870
TennisLesley Kelly01963 250136
Friends of Milborne Port LibraryRoz Barrettroz@rozandmartin.com01963 250112
Friends of Milborne Port LibraryRick Jones01963 250731
Milborne Port MethodistsRoy Catchpolerev.catch@virgin.net01963 250040
Milborne Port Primary SchoolRebecca Eyresreyres@educ.somerset.gov.uk01963 250366
Rosemary Conley diet & FitnessRachel Cozins01935 864453
ZumbaMrs. Edge07902070667
Exercise for fun and fitnessMrs. Greenwood01935471444