Just an update to let you all know what we are doing in relation to the Museum, events and walks.
We are very sorry that we have not been able to fulfil our usual programme of summer activities but we hope that it will not be too long before we can get back to some semblance of normality. We are working in conjunction with Church House and their social distancing policy in the hall, it may well be that any talk you will have to pre-book a free ticket so that we can arrange the seating accordingly but we will keep you updated.
We have started planning our 2021 programme and are hoping that we can reschedule some of the talks that have been postponed this year but if you have any suggestions for speakers and/or visits please let us know.
It was our intention to hold a Members event at the Museum during August but as the Government guidelines have changed recently we have decided not to do this as we have a responsibility regarding your safety. The Committee we have spent some time rearranging and cleaning the Museum as well as there being a new exhibition to view!
However, all is not lost, and if you wish to visit the Museum this can be arranged individually or as a family group, at a time/date to suit you, by contacting Lesley, les_wray@yahoo.co.uk.
The other piece of news is that we are seeking accreditation for the Museum and we have now been declared eligible for that process, now the work really begins!
Our Summer Newsletter should be with you soon but if any of you would like to contribute a short article for inclusion please send it to me, we would be delighted to receive any contributions.
As a committee we do hope that you are all keeping well and safe.