Solar Streets scheme: We are excited to announce that the Solar Streets scheme (for cheaper solar panels on rooves) is coming soon to Milborne Port, Sherborne and nearby villages! A similar scheme has been run in Frome for example. We hope to have the official launch and Q&A on zoom in April and there will be lots more on this shortly. If you can, it’s a great thing to do to help fight the climate crisis. The nation’s need for electricity is expected to double with demand from renewable heating and transport; having solar panels installed on your roof is a great way to help with decarbonization.
Hedges and the nature recovery network: do get in touch if you’re interested in joining a project on hedgerows in the parish. Hedgerows are potentially an important wildlife habitat throughout the year for feeding, breeding and sheltering insects, birds and mammals (think hedgehog!) in their own right and also act as an important corridor for wildlife to move about safely. In addition, they help store carbon. Without rejuvenating management, they can become leggy and uninviting, age and die. Initially we hope to map all the hedges in the parish from the internet and then seek permission from landowners to survey them to record their width, height and condition and the hedgerow shrubs within them. No prior knowledge needed! It might be fun for families to take part.
Equally, roadside verges are important as wildlife habitats and corridors, and letting flowers grow (where safety is not compromised) on road verges saves councils money, saves burning fossil fuels, boosts biodiversity and provides interest and pleasure. Please help nature thrive by writing to Somerset County Council in support of minimal mowing during spring and summer, and / or signing Plantlife’s petition – search for Plantlife’s road verge campaign online. Nature – our life support system – is in trouble; we can help restore it.
We hope, coronavirus permitting, to have some family-friendly wildlife and geology walks around the village in the summer. Watch this space.
We’d be glad to rent an acre or so of land on which to create a hay meadow for wildlife and as a source of wildflower seed-rich hay to supply other sites. Any possibilities – please get in touch.
Global Climate Strike 19 March: Young people are asking for our support for everybody’s future on 19th March, as governments continue to deliver only vague and empty promises for dates that are much too late. We need immediate action in-line with science before our carbon budget runs out. The climate crisis is already here and will only get worse, so if we are to avoid the worst-case scenarios, annual, short-term binding targets for a safe climate that factor in justice and equity have to be prioritized by the people in charge. Join young people in standing up for a secure future, by emailing our MP, or joining what will probably be an online climate strike (taking a photo of a gallery of people with / without placards asking for climate action). Keep an eye open on Milborne Port news and everything Facebook page for details. Or email us nearer the